T'ai Chi: The 'supreme Ultimate' Exercise For Health, Sport, And Self-defense

T'ai Chi: The 'supreme Ultimate' Exercise For Health, Sport, And Self-defense
Tags: Cheng Man-Ch'Ing

T'ai - chi ( Tai Chi ) is an effortless and rhythmical art that stresses slow breathing , balanced and relaxed postures , and absolute calmness of mind . It requires no special equipment or place to practice , and takes no more than ten minutes a day . This book , from renowned Tai Chi master , Cheng Man - Ch'ing , introduces T'ai - chi as a means to a healthier life , as a sport and as a method of self defense . It is a complete step - by - step manual for the beginner . With conscientious practice , readers will master the sequence of thirty - seven postures that will make up the T'ai - chi solo exercise . Students will learn how to progress from exercise to sport to self defense with maximum efficiency . The instructions are clear and easy to follow, and more than 275 photographs and 122 foot - weighting diagrams guarantee an understanding of the correct form . A history of T'ai - chi , including thumbnail sketches of famous masters , and the first English translation of the basic T'ai - chi document , known as the T'ai - chi Ch'uan Classics , are also included .