Fortune Telling By Dice

Fortune Telling By Dice

It is not coincidental that intuition also plays a major part in most forms of fortune-telling and divination- It is intuition which puts the meat on die divinaeory bones of tarot, runes or I Ching reading. Add to this palmistry, astrology, numerology and the almost countless odicr disciplines, and we can see that it is 'perception through intuition which is the common denominator. It is equally no coincidence that many, of what we take to be simple games of chance have their origins not in the development of pastimes and leisure ts, but in divination and fortune-telling. in this way die nature of such words as 'chance', 'luck' and 'fortune' and 'fortune-telling' have become inextricably mixed. Perhaps the most dramatic game of chance is dice. Unlike games involving cards or even roulette (the wheel of fortune?) dice is fast, active and very simple. As br as we can tell, it is probably the oldest game of chance known to man it is probably also the oldest method used for telling fortunes. Bur, like all the other methods of divination, dice arc only the tools of the trade. They are not intrinsically capable of telling fortunes, neither can any mystic or occult powers be attributed to them. The accuracy of divination using dice is only as good as the reader can make it. The dice provide the keys for the diviner to unlock the querent's future. s