Your Orgasmic Pregnancy: Little Sex Secrets Every Hot Mama Should Know By Cavallucci, Danielle, Fulbright, M.s. Yvonne K [hunter House, 2008] (paperback) [paperback]

Your Orgasmic Pregnancy: Little Sex Secrets Every Hot Mama Should Know By Cavallucci, Danielle, Fulbright, M.s. Yvonne K [hunter House, 2008] (paperback) [paperback]
Tags: Cavallucci

The material in this book is intended to provide a review of information regarding sexuality during pregnancy. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and dependable information. We believe that the sensuality advice given in this book poses no risk to any healthy person. However, if you have any sexually transmitted infections, we recommend consulting your doctor before following the advice contained in this book. The publisher, authors, and editors, as well as the professionals quoted in the book, cannot be held responsible for any error, omission, professional disagreement, or dated material, and are not liable for any damage, injury, or other adverse outcome of applying any of the information in this book. If you have questions concerning the material in this book, consult a qualified professional.