The Physiology And Biochemistry Of Prokaryotes

The Physiology And Biochemistry Of Prokaryotes
Tags: David White

The Physiology and Biochemistry Prokaryotes is a textbook adopted for use in advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate-level biology courses that focus on the physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms. The text covers the basic principles of prokaryotic physiology, biochemistry, andcell behavior. It presents microbial metabolism within the context of the chemical and physiological problems that cells must solve in order to grow. The text is adopted because of its authoritative presentation of basic principles, coverage of recent advances from the field, clear illustrations,relevant examples and real-world applications.Course Issues:Key challenges and course issues include keeping current with the latest developments from the field presenting/learning so much information in a single semester training students to think like scientists revealing the relevance of the material.Message:White provides the most current, authoritative, and relevant presentation of prokaryotic physiology and biochemistry.