The Challenges Of Southsouth Cooperation

The Challenges Of Southsouth Cooperation
Tags: Breda Pavlic

The process of economi c coopera t i on among devel oping countriehacome a l ong wayi nce the ea rl y 1960s . A l ongi de the movement f rom the etab l ihment of reg i onal and subreg i on a l i n tegration and cooperati on g rou p i ngs to the e l aborati on of concepts and a pproaches for g l obal and i nterreg i onal coopera t i on ( such a, for exampl e , the scheme for a gl oba l sys tem of trade preferences a mong deve l o p ing countries ) , there has b een a n extenion of the scope of coopera t i on , ori g ina l l y focused on trade , to other a rea, i ncl u d ing moneta ry a n d f i nan c i a l ma tters , produ c t ion , ma rketing , ando on . Today , the proces of economic cooperation among deve l o p ing countri es occu p i ean i mportan t pl ace i n the economi ct rategies a n d pol ic ies of devel o p i n g countrieand , in recent years , wit h the marked deteri o ration in the wo rl d economi ci tu a t io n and the wea ken i ng of i n ternat i onal cooperati on for deve l opmen t , it has acqu ired even grea ter importa nce and u rgency . I n deed , i n v iew of the propects for the worl d economy for th e comi n g yea rs , i t h ab ecome an i mpera t i ve i f the devel oping cou n t ries a re going to b e abl e to env i sage the transformation of their economies and the g rowth ra tes th ey need .