On The Idea Of Potency: Juridical And Theological Roots Of The Western Cultural Tradition

On The Idea Of Potency: Juridical And Theological Roots Of The Western Cultural Tradition
Tags: Emanuele Castrucci

Sweeping through the history of Western philosophy of law, Emanuele Castrucci deals with the metaphysical idea of potency as defined by Spinoza and Nietzsche, upsetting entrenched theories of jurisprudence. From classical Greek philosophy to Jewish biblical exegesis, via Christianity from Aristotle's Metaphysics to its Arabic interpretations from the genesis of natural law theory (Augustine, Aquinas, Duns Scotus, Ockham), to Kant and Enlightenment natural law theory, to Carl Schmitt, Castrucci shows how philosophical rationalism has failed to contain absolute power in a juridical sense.