Embodied Family Choreography: Practices Of Control, Care, And Mundane Creativity

Embodied Family Choreography: Practices Of Control, Care, And Mundane Creativity
Tags: Marjorie Harness Goodwin

Introduction: our materials and perspectives for the study of human interaction Capturing family interaction in situ: fieldwork and theoretical points of departure Frameworks for the study of human interaction Control: directive/response trajectories Directive response sequences Control touch in directives Negotiation within directive trajectories Metacommentary in directive sequences Care: intimate tactile intercorporeality Engagements of care entailing touch Constituting relationships of care through boundary intertwinings Alternative trajectories and attunements to requests for a hug Intimacy in good night routines Mundane creativity: improvisation and enskilment in family interaction Improvisation and verbal play Socializing enskilment Sibling care taking, teaching, and play Conclusion References cited Index