Be Your Own Lobbyist: How To Give Your Small Business Big Clout With State And Local Government

Be Your Own Lobbyist: How To Give Your Small Business Big Clout With State And Local Government
Tags: Amy H. Handlin

This book is the businessperson's guide to influencing government decisions without incurring the cost of a professional lobbyist, at a time when those decisions are, increasingly, a key to survival. * Real-world advocacy examples * Tip sheets, including "How to Work a Public Meeting," "Setting Expectations for Your Lobbying Effort," and "Don't Waste Your Money" * "For Example" sidebars, such as "Time-Wasters and Turnoffs" and "The 5 Biggest Mistakes" * "You Try It" exercises * Model advocacy materials, including letters, emails, scripts, testimony, press releases, and more * Sample laws, policies, and forms * A "Learn the Language" glossary decoding some of the key jargon used in local and state government * Resource guides for small businesses seeking government contracts